onsdag 28 mars 2012

We love you! Israel ❤ Iran

Only israelis and iranians seem to know what real peace activism is about!
Long Live the peace!
Love you!

tisdag 27 mars 2012

Israeli singer Ritas moving letter from Iranian

"Dear rita even if I have to after it 3 years in jail and get 70 whips I still would chose to come to your concert to be there"

Find out why Rita always leaves one chair free in every concert:

måndag 26 mars 2012

Cheb Khaleds israeli raï-cover released

Now a new israeli duo is turning the arabic-iranian-spanish hit HENNA into a hebrew hit.
Cheb Khaled, the king of raï,had a great success with the hit HENNA with Swedish-Iranian singer Cameron Cartio in the arab countries and Europe. Raï is northafrican music mixed with arabic and western music. Cheb Khaled has become very famous for his big hit "Aisha" that was covered in hebrew by israeli singer Haim Moshe previously
The israeli singers are Itzik Shamli and Oshri Abergel and the hebrew song title is "Layla", meaning "Night"...
listen and enjoy the party...

A small glimpse of hope

The first nice report Swedish media has made in years from Israel.
The face-book activist Ronny Edrys initiative to peaceful relations to Iran got some attentions here in Swedish media. I think the posters are beutiful

söndag 25 mars 2012

Arab newcomer tears of joy singing "Shema Israel"

 arab female blond singer from Haifa conquers the israeli artist elite on prime time Television Show "Eyal Golan kore lecha"

Here she sings "Ha lev bocheh" , which contains part of the Torah shema Israel.

torsdag 22 mars 2012

The winners of Israeli Show: a muslim and a jew

(The winners of "Eyal Golan Kore Lecha")
Eyal Golan oriental show right now live from Tel Aviv. It reminds me of my Dudu Aharon show. Infact they actually performed duets with Dudu Aharon in tonights final show.
Tonight an arab woman was in the final...She, Nashreen Qadri won together with Maor Ashuel the honorable prize to record an oriental album... On the question what of her performances she liked best of her performances she told mako.co.il that it was the song "Sma Israel"
Here is her clip when she is singing that song:

Lyrics of the song:
"Shma (Hear) Israel my God,
you're the omnipotent
You gave me my life,
you gave me everything

In my eyes a tear,
the heart cries quietly
And when the heart is quiet,
the soul screams"

onsdag 14 mars 2012

Eti Bitton is releasing controversal Arab melodies in hebrew

"Salama ya Salama
in the colors of the rainbow she decorates herself
Salama ya Salama
she opens her heart and sells love"
One of my favorite singers of last year and this year is a young female singer from Israel. Her name is Eti Biton. With her newly released album in Israel called "Chinese Proverb", she re-uses arabic pop melodies but adds completely new hebrew lyrics and life to the melodies. Her record companies way of totally legally lending melodies from arabic composers has caused controversy among some arabic composers claiming israelis are "stealing" the melodies...Unfortunatelly this is a sign of the backward racism towards israelis from nations surrounding Israel. Record companies can buy a composers melody from another record company which has bought rights to the songs from the original composer.
Anyway...the album has some great commercial hits like "Chinese Proverb", "My thief", "Your mother" and "Salama ya Salama" ...You who know the arabic original lyrics of "Salma ya Salama" performed by Dalida may think the lyrics are odd as the new lyrics tell the story of a prostitute instead of a love story....

"Hon är inte dotter till en konung

Hon har ingenstans att gå

Hon är sin hemlighets tjänarinna

i området är hon försäljelska

på gatan är hon en stjärna

Hon vandrar ensam

och de unga männen ropar efter henne....

Salama ya salama

i regnbågens färger pryder hon sig själv

salama ya salama

Hon öppnar sitt hjärta och säljer kärlek

När kvällen sänker sig

står hon på balkongen

hon broderar med guldtråd

mellan glas med vin

applåderar de och fyller torget

alla pojkar sjunger för henne

Salama ya salama

i regnbågens färger pryder hon sig själv

salama ya salama

Hon öppnar sitt hjärta och säljer kärlek

En smak av förbjuden frukt på hennes läppar

en främmande hand tar hennes hand

hon sprider magi, hon väntar på ett mirakel

Hon tar inte beslut och hon väljer inte

en dag ska komma då hon ska kunna ge sig av

undertiden sjunger pojkarna "Ya Habibti Salama"

היא לא בת של מלך

אין לה שביל או דרך

היא עבד לסודה

בשכונה מוכרת

ברחובות כוכבת

היא צועדת לבדה

והנערים קוראים לה

סלאמה יא-סלאמה

בצבעי הקשת מקשטת את עצמה

סלאמה יא-סלאמה

היא פותחת את הלב מוכרת אהבה

כשיורד הערב

היא על המרפסת

רוקמת חוט זהב

בין כוסות היין

הם מוחאים כפיים

ממלאים את הכיכר

כל הבחורים שרים לה

סלאמה יא-סלאמה

בצבעי הקשת מקשטת את עצמה

סלאמה יא-סלאמה

היא פותחת את הלב מוכרת אהבה

טעם פרי אסור על שפתותיה

יד זרה אוחזת בידיה

מפזרת קסם מחכה לנס

היא לא מחליטה ולא בוחרת

יום יבוא והיא תוּכל ללכת

בינתיים נערים שרים יחביבתי סלמה

סלאמה יא-סלאמה

בצבעי הקשת מקשטת את עצמה

סלאמה יא-סלאמה

היא פותחת את הלב מוכרת אהבה

måndag 12 mars 2012

The winning duet:Ishtar and Kobi Peretz

The Queen of gipsy arabic songs, Ishtar is back in a lovely duet.
Her albums are as rare as her shows but I am sure you all heard her arabic/latino hits.("Alabina, "Salma Ya salama", "Vengan")
In 2009 she recorded the arabic/hebrew duet "Yahad" in duet with Israeli mizrahi singer Kobi Peretz, a duet which was awarded as 'Song Of The Year' at the Apple Music Awards in New York.
This year they are united again in arabic/hebrew duet Zachiti ("I won") included on Kobis new album. Kobi comes from Moroccan jewish family and the music runs in his blood. His father was a singer at the Moroccan king Hassan II court.
Hebrew male lyrics:
"I Can not live one minute without love without love with you

I admit I have won

My heart says I was not mistaken

I want to tell you again so that you´ll understand

There is only one in my heart, believe it!

arabic female lyrics:
ده حبيبي ده أيوا ايوا
This is my beloved, yes he is
كدة كدة في هواه انا دايبة
I'm dissolved in his love like this
الوعد اللي بيني وبينه خلوني اعيش وياه
The promise between me & him, let me live with him
Male hebrew lyrics:

Only with you I feel the fire in my soul , my soul

Nothing will stop me when you're with me, my love

I thank God that I have won

My heart says I was not mistaken

I want to tell you again so that you'll understand

There is only one in my heart, believe it!
female arabic lyrics:

.... ننسى كلام الناس
.... let's forget people's words
بحبنا عاشقين
نفسي بس نتهنى الزمن ما بستنى لا لا
I only wish to be happy
Time doesn't wait, no it doesn't
hebrew male vocals:
I thank God that I have won

My heart says I was not mistaken

I want to tell you I won

In my heart there is only one, believe it!

Nothing will stop me when you're with me"

onsdag 7 mars 2012

Peres open facebook site for Peace and releases a dance tune

Shimon Peres , the president of Israel is launching a facebook site to speak to Arabs in the world. To succeed to promote his facebooks site Shimon Peres, 89, joined the most played DJ in the countries of Arab Spring, Noy Alooshe, who is Israeli with Tunisian background .He created the Khaddaffi song that reached millions of Arabs during the war against Khadaffi. So here Peres goes techno...a cool way to reach out to the world for peace!